What is first time speeding offence in Singapore?

Everyone who is driving might have faced this dilemma, the first-time speeding offence in Singapore. No matter the cause, but it could happen in a glimpse of relapse.

But people who have already faced this offense but have a clear understanding of the things that happens afterward.

Although a large pool of people still exists who didn’t offend Singapore’s traffic law yet but are looking to get up to speed for learning first time speeding offence in Singapore.

For all those readers, we have created a simple guide that explains in detail what is first time speeding offence in Singapore and how the law deals with such offence.

Speed Limit in Singapore

Every country has an average speed limit which dictates that people stay within the allowed speed limit.

In Singapore, the average speed limit is 50 km/h, although the different area is categorized into different speed limit cap.

For example, the silver zone or school zone has a speed limit of 40 km/h, while the expressway has an 80 km/h limit.

To remain in the safe zone, following 50 km/h all over the zones seems to be a safe speed limit, and doesn’t create the first time speeding offence in Singapore in any way whatsoever.

Types of vehicles

When dealing with different types of penalties applied over the speeding offence, it’s important to understand the types of vehicle.

The fines are different for different sizes of vehicles. In these terms, there are two types of vehicles upon which the offence takes into different fines rates, namely light vehicle and large vehicle.

The light vehicle includes every type of vehicle which is not more than 3.5 tons. If the vehicle is under that cap, it comes in a light vehicle range and has a reduced amount of find when compared to a large vehicle.

Penalties for first time speeding offence in Singapore

First time speeding offence in Singapore is often taken lightly when compared to repeated offence. These charges don’t take into court persecution, although persecution is possible if reckless driving is found even if it’s first a time speeding offence in Singapore.

But to fully understand what first time speeding offence in Singapore is, we need to learn the limit that traffic law has prescribed over the offence.

It’s an offence with penalties that includes composite fine and demerit points. But if there’s a serious offence, the suspension of a driving license is also possible.

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Composition fines

Composition fines are the ones when the minor speeding offence is inflicted upon the driver. These fines are due if a driver is found crossing the limit with over 40 km/h.

There are different rates based on the limit crossed, although each fine needs to be paid on time at the AXS machine available throughout Singapore.

Failed to pay on time will increase the penalty through pleading at court. The higher amount needed to pay comes under the range of $130 to $170.

Serious offence

Even if someone is found for first time speeding offence in Singapore, it usually doesn’t mean the law will go easy. The main concern comes if there is any serious offence is done.

The serious offence starts from driving at more than 40 km/h. This leads to persecution in court and based on hearing, your penalty will be decided.

Also, there’s a chance to get your criminal record affect in this manner, which would be devasted for any potential recruitment opportunity.

Demerit points

Whether it first time speeding offence in Singapore or a repeated one, the traffic law violation enables some demerit points.

The demerit points come inside their driving Improvement Points System which can be reversed back if no offence is being made for over 12 months.

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Suspension of driving license

Going back on the serious offence, the suspension of a driving license is also possible, which starts with 6-8 weeks to over a year.

Although based on multiple suspensions, the period will increase, although the maximum one starts with the 5th suspension with 36 months or 3 years.

Want to avoid speeding offense in Singapore by hiring personal drivers?

It’s not a good thing to get a violation for first time speeding offence in Singapore. We need to take great precautions in refraining from it.

One way is to hire a professional driver for your need, by simply contacting Preztigez Asia which offers the best hospitality drivers in Singapore.